Lemon Email 7-Day Free Trial
Who is Lemón really for?
✅Lemón is for you if:
- You're an email marketer, founder, or developer.
- You're actively marketing your product, listed on directories, or maybe you've gone "viral" and generated a lot of users, but didn't convert anyone into paying customers.
- You want a sales conversion system that works 24/7.
- You want product/service-market-fit, fast.
- You want to avoid lost revenue from silent churn.
- You feel like you've wasted enough acquisition costs from users who never convert.
- You want a done-for-your system to convert more users into paying customers.
- You are selling a "painkiller" product - not just a "vitamin" product.
❌ Lemón is NOT for you if:
- You only want a generic Email API for the sake of having it.
- You don't care about converting users into paying customers.
- You have a product that is nice to have - not a must-have.
Quick note: This process helps us protect our platform from spammers.
To unlock the 7-day free trial, enter your credit card information. (You won't be charged for the first 7 days). If you find the product valuable and you don't cancel, you will be billed according to your selected plan afterward.)
Use the word "lemon" on the checkout page for a 5% discount. You'll receive your extra 7,000 email credits and you won't get charged for the first 7 days.
Basic Use Case ->
Intermediate Use Case ->
Advanced Use Case ->
All memberships include a 1 week free trial
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